Title: [Your Game’s Title]
Overview: Five years after a devastating world war, Ryunosuke seeks a fresh start in the country of Stivale. There, he encounters Serena, a spirited fox girl, and finds himself in a brawl with the police. Drawn into her mission to dismantle the mafia and reform the nation, Ryunosuke decides to join her adventure.
- Classic RPG Experience: Dive into a rich, immersive world with a compelling narrative and deep character interactions.
- Turn-Based Combat: Engage in strategic, turn-based battles that test your tactical skills.
- Leveling System: Develop your character through experience points, unlocking new abilities and enhancing your stats.
- Skill System: Customize your character’s abilities and strategies with a diverse range of skills and talents.
Embark on a thrilling journey with Ryunosuke and Serena as they challenge corruption and fight for justice in Stivale.
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