The Dragon Ball anime series has been a cultural phenomenon for over thirty years, captivating fans worldwide. Today, the franchise continues to thrive with the introduction of a new saga, Dragon Ball Super. Riding on the wave of this renewed popularity, Dragon Ball FighterZ was created—a nostalgic nod to the era of classic 2D arcade fighting games, designed to reignite the excitement of old-school fans and attract new ones alike.
Choose from a Vast Roster of Beloved Characters
Dragon Ball FighterZ features a roster of 20 iconic characters from the series, allowing you to step into the shoes of your favorite heroes and villains. Play as Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, or Yamcha, or unleash your dark side as Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, or Captain Ginyu. Grab your controller, unleash the Kamehameha wave, and show Frieza who the true Saiyan warrior is!
Unleash Powerful Special Attacks
As every Dragon Ball fan knows, the series is famous for its spectacular techniques and intense battles. Each of the 20 fighters in Dragon Ball FighterZ comes with a unique set of special attacks that pay homage to their iconic moves. Channel Goku’s Kamehameha, devastate your foes with Vegeta’s Galick Gun, or slice through enemies with Krillin’s Destructo Disc. Each battle is a test of skill and strategy, where mastering these techniques can make all the difference.
Transform and Unleash Your Hidden Power
Have you heard the legend of the Super Saiyan—a warrior so powerful, he can shake the very fabric of the universe? Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan was a turning point in his battle against Frieza, showcasing the true potential of Saiyan warriors. In Dragon Ball FighterZ, you have the opportunity to tap into these legendary transformations. Turn into a Super Saiyan or Frieza’s final form to gain a strategic advantage in combat and crush your opponents.
Engage in Fast-Paced 3v3 Battles
Developed by Arc System Works, a studio renowned for its expertise in 2D fighting games, Dragon Ball FighterZ captures the intense, fast-paced action that fans have come to love from the anime. Each battle allows you to select three characters, creating a dynamic team that can be switched out mid-fight to unleash devastating chain combos. Mastering the timing and synergy between your fighters is key to dominating your opponents, delivering the satisfaction of landing a 100-hit combo and sending your rival crashing into the ground.
Key Features:
- Classic 2D Fighting with a Modern Twist: Dragon Ball FighterZ brings back the nostalgic feel of 2D fighting games with updated graphics and mechanics for a fresh, modern experience. The game is easy to pick up but challenging to master, offering depth for both newcomers and seasoned fighters.
- Dynamic Gameplay: The action is relentless, keeping you on your toes. You’ll need sharp reflexes and strategic thinking to find openings in your opponent’s defense and strike decisively.
- Extensive Character Roster: Choose from a wide array of characters that fans know and love, each with their own unique abilities and fighting styles.
- Iconic Special Moves: Relive the excitement of the anime by performing legendary attacks like the Kamehameha, Special Beam Cannon, Death Ball, Galick Gun, Kaioken, and Tri-Beam.
- Transformations and Power-Ups: Tap into your hidden potential by transforming into Super Saiyan, Golden Frieza, or other powerful forms to overpower your enemies.
Are you ready to prove yourself as a true Saiyan warrior, or will you end up like Yamcha—forever on the losing side? The world of Dragon Ball FighterZ awaits!
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