Set approximately 20 years after the events of Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Invisible War takes place in a world slowly recovering from a catastrophic global depression. In this chaotic period of rebuilding, various religious and political factions vie for control, seeking to reshape global governance to their agendas. The decisions made during this critical time will influence the trajectory of human society for decades, if not centuries.
Key Features:
- Dynamic First-Person Action/Adventure: Experience a level of realism and immersion unprecedented in video games, combining intense action with intricate storytelling.
- Biotech Modifications: Enhance your abilities with advanced biotech upgrades, including wall-penetrating vision, 40-foot leaps, critical damage regeneration, and radar invisibility.
- Globally Diverse Locations: Travel to real-world locations such as Seattle, Antarctica, and Cairo, each with its own unique challenges and atmosphere.
- Stealth Gameplay: Utilize darkness and sound to your advantage, affecting enemy awareness and allowing for strategic planning.
- Variable Gameplay: Approach problems in multiple ways with various solutions, supporting different play styles and strategies.
- Ethical Choices: Resolve conflicts through non-lethal and non-violent means, making ethical statements through your actions.
- Dynamic, Non-Linear Story: Enjoy unprecedented freedom with a responsive, non-linear narrative that adapts to your choices and actions.
Immerse yourself in this techno-nightmare and navigate the dark struggle to rebuild a world from its own ashes.
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