The Mysterious Series blends heartwarming everyday moments with extraordinary adventures in a world brimming with wonder. The first installment, Atelier Sophie, returns in its enhanced DX form, bringing new features and content to enrich your alchemical journey.
What’s New in DX
- Expanded Story: Experience new episodes showcasing Sophie’s growth, and enjoy a fresh costume that helps her follow in her grandmother’s footsteps.
- Additional Tools: Utilize three new cauldrons to aid your alchemical endeavors.
- Convenience Features: Benefit from a sprinting option for easier navigation and a ‘Fast Forward’ feature to speed up battles.
- Enhanced Content: Access a wealth of previously released DLC and explore the game’s world in photo mode to capture stunning moments.
The Story
A Journey to Restore Memories of Alchemy Sophie, a young alchemist, encounters a sentient book named Plachta. Together, they embark on a quest to recover Plachta’s lost memories and deepen their alchemical knowledge.
Game Introductions
As a novice alchemist, Sophie works alongside Plachta to perfect various alchemical recipes. Explore diverse fields, gather materials, and synthesize new items. As Sophie and Plachta progress, they unlock the true power of alchemy and unearth the secrets of Plachta’s past.
Note: Atelier Sophie DX is available individually or as part of the discounted “Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack,” which includes Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX and Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX. Be cautious to avoid duplicate purchases.
Note: The English version includes English voice acting, though some events may not feature voice work.
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